Contact your elected representatives to express your support for:
Large-scale removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. A thorough overview of CO2 removal technologies is available here from Columbia University’s Earth Institute. While carbon dioxide removal alone is not enough to restore many of our planet's vital ecosystems, it is a critical part of a portfolio of actions we must take to avoid catastrophic effects of our human impact crisis. A central obstacle to carbon dioxide removal strategies further is the amount of money required to develop the technology.
That is why we must call on lawmakers to devote a significant amount of federal money to create an R&D budget dedicated to these strategies so we can start improving the technology and get a better grasp on how much it does cost to do each of these things, how effective they are and how safe they are. In the near term, we must also deploy and ramp up low cost tested strategies, such as promoting smaller families, planting trees and more advocating for more sustainable agricultural practices.
Transition from fossil energy through disincentives with its use and incentives for alternative energy.
CONTACT ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES HERE requesting their support of large scale removal of carbon dioxide and overall reduction in CO2 emissions.
Support the documentary series "The Climate Restorers" sponsored by Earth Overshoot.