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Earth Overshoot "Balance People & Planet" T-Shirt

"Balance People & Planet" T-Shirt

Earth Overshoot is not in the retail business. Our mission is to increase awareness and public discourse on the devastating environmental and social impacts of unsustainable consumption and population growth.  We believe less is more. That's why we only sell the Earth Overshoot T-shirt. By wearing this message you can make a difference in the way others view the world, and even spark vital conversations and change about the value of balancing People and Planet. 

All proceeds go directly toward supporting Earth Overshoot's critical work to end ecological overshoot and create a better world for all life on the planet.

  • PRICE: $19.95 + shipping
  • UNISEX SIZES: Small, Medium, Large

    Regular Shipping (7-10 days): $4.95
    Express Shipping (4-5 days): $9.95


    Contact us at: or (610) 420-5989

Earth Overshoot T-Shirt Order Form

Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Small, Medium, and/or Large. All sizes are unisex. Slim fit.
Please indicate the sizes desired for up to 3 shirts. For instance, 1-Small and 2-Medium
To order more than 3 shirts, to ship outside the US, or for other matters, please contact us at or call (610) 420-5989. We will get back to you shortly.
Credit Card Information
Your total payment will be
Your credit balance will cover
Your credit card will be charged
Your bank account will be charged